Tag: Base64

To Encode or Not – Base64 Encode

Ever needed a website that is simple, easy-to-use and designed for the Base64 scheme? You just found it: Base64 Encode.

This site really makes your job a lot easier, being able to encode any text to 8 different data type (UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859, Windows-1252 to name a few), by typing/pasting it or uploading the file, then pressing the “ENCODE” button. Or, by turning on “Live mode” to get the latest result, whichever suits you.

Everything is self-explanatory: the upper textbox is used for the data waiting to be encoded, while the lower one shows the results. The green button is used to encode said data, while the others let you choose the output charset, turn on Live mode and upload a file. Below the second textbox one can find the details of encoding.

It is the sister-site to Base64 Decode, which works the same way as this one, just reverse, and decodes data instead. Its layout is also the same.

Here it is:

(Click to enlarge)

So back to the question – Use this site to encode or not? I think you should.


The Art of Decoding – Base64 Decode

Thanks to my work, I often come across encoding and decoding – most of the time with different schemes, but usually Base64. To make my life easier I needed a website that lets me quickly decode any data from said type to not only one, but many other if must. Wasn’t very lucky for a while, but then I found Base64 Decode.

The site itself is simple, but great enough to get the job done: Two textboxes, the upper one for the data awaiting to get decoded, and the lower for the result. 8 different character sets: UTF-8, ASCII, CP1256, ISO-8859-1/2/6/15 and Windows-1252. You don’t even need to press the “DECODE” button every time, it’s enough to turn on the “Live mode” and you’ll always get the newest result. Works well with lots of files, no need to paste everything, just upload the file!

It has a sister-site as well, the same but with encoding, so you don’t have to go too far for that either. Full explanation available, not that it really needs too much, everything is given.

I also liked the layout, easy and simple. I’ve yet to find better, definitely left a “Like” there.

This would be it:

(Click to enlarge)

Try it, it’s worth it:
